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MicroPort EP ColumbusTM 3D EP Navigation System Successfully Performs First Procedure in Brazil

2021-05-14 10:09:00      Views:

São Paulo, Brazil -- The Columbus 3D EP Navigation System (ColumbusTM) and its ancillary FireMagicTM Cool 3D Irrigated Ablation Catheter and EasyLoopTM Circular Mapping Catheter, whichare independently developed by Shanghai MicroPort EP MedTech Co., Ltd. (“MicroPort EP”), were used in a successful  procedureforatrial fibrillation associated with atrial flutter in a patient in Brazil. Thiswas the first 3D procedure using MicroPort products in Brazil after MicroPort®EP entered the Brazilian market, making it the fourth Latin American country tohave successfully completed 3D procedures with ColumbusTM, following theDominican Republic, Argentina and Ecuador.

The procedure was performed bya team led by Dr. Angêlo de Paola at Hospital São Paulo. ColumbusTM was highlyregarded by the team for its robust performance and clear and stable EP  recording system feature. After the procedure,the team expressed their hope to further explore better arrhythmia treatmentsolutions together with MicroPort® EP in the future.

Dr. Yiyong Sun, President of MicroPort EP, said, “To date, MicroPort EP products and services have reached more than 20 countries and regions including Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America and Oceania, providing patients with cardiac arrhythmias and doctors with a comprehensive EPsolution. In the future, MicroPort EP will continue to focus on innovation and development, offering world-class comprehensive solutions for electrophysiological interventions, to benefit more doctors and patients around the world with quality products and services. ”

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